5 Activities to Encourage Preschool Independence

Introduction. Teaching your kids independence is one of the hardest aspects of raising toddlers. That’s because most parents fear the moment their children will no longer need them to do necessary activities. That sense of losing control causes grief in so many parents of toddlers. However, it’s very critical to teach your kids independence. That’s because at one point, they will need to live alone and be able to take care of themselves. Here are some activities for toddlers to nurture independence in pre-schoolers.

  1. Getting Themselves Dressed. Teaching them how to get dressed is pretty difficult. However, this is more a question of habit rather than skill. Most kids get distracted when they have to dress up. One of the ways of going about this is to incentivise the process. Let them know that they will get a reward if they dress themselves up. Along with this, you have to teach them to pick after themselves, especially when it comes to gloves and socks.
  2. Fixing breakfast or lunch. When it comes to breakfast, there are necessary skills that don’t need your help or supervision. You can teach them how to make waffles in the toaster oven or even prepare their cereal on their own. You can also teach them how to spread butter on their toast. The major issue will be how to teach them that certain foods are not for breakfast e.g. sweets. This is really helpful, given that most mornings are very busy in many households.

III. Preparing toothbrush and brushing teeth. Kids who have older siblings have an easier time learning this activity. That’s because the older sibling can easily guide them. You have to teach them how to squeeze the tube and place the paste onto the brush. You also have to teach them how to brush their teeth and how to clean up after. This can be a very long and messy teaching process.

  1. Putting Away Toys. Misplaced and poorly stored toys are a hazard in the house. One can step on them and slip or get a fracture. They can also be easily swallowed. That’s why you have to teach a toddler how to put them away after playing with them. You have to do it many times until they internalize the process. This is often made harder by the fact that most kids lose interest fast and simply shift to something else after playing with the toy.
  2. Setting/Cleaning Up Table. This training not only builds a sense of independence in them, but also enables them to learn to partner up during chores. It could begin with simple tasks such as taking their own plates to the sink. This could be followed by teaching them how to wipe the table. You could also show them how to arrange plates and cutlery on the table. Soon enough, you can teach them how to clean the utensils.

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